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What is the PHI Safety Board?

The PHI Safety Board has been created to ensure that PHI not only leads safety in our industries, but also to ensure that every employee across the company returns home safely each and every day. Having oversight of PHI’s enterprise safety efforts, the PHI Safety Board will serve as a critical function to drive continued performance, provide consistent metrics and analytics, provide leadership at the highest level of the company for safety and provide a meaningful, differentiated approach to safety performance and innovation for our employees and customers.


Why does PHI have a Safety Board?

Committed to growing and strengthening our leadership in safety, PHI will continue to embrace our current safety programs and to lead our industries in developing new programs. The PHI Safety Board will ensure guidance, focus and commitment from the Board down through the organization and reinforce that safety is not only good business, it is the right thing to do.


What will the PHI Safety Board do?

The PHI Safety Board will:

  • lead safety across the enterprise and industries,
  • define our safety culture,
  • identify initiatives to mitigate and eliminate risk,
  • provide aligned measurements and metrics and
  • ensure Destination Zero.


Who is part of the PHI Safety Board?

Reporting to the PHI Group, Inc. Chairman and CEO, the Safety Board is made up of a chairperson and two members representing PHI Aviation and PHI Health, with the chairperson rotating on an annual basis.  Additionally, both internal and external constituents will join the Safety Board in advisory roles.


How often does the PHI Safety Board meet?

The Safety Board meets quarterly or more frequently as needed.


How does the PHI Safety Board impact employees?

Supporting Destination Zero at the highest level, the Safety Board reinforces the organization’s commitment to safety innovation. At the highest level of our organization, we commit to each of our employees that they go home at the end of every shift and in as good as or better condition than the way they arrived.


How does the PHI Safety Board impact customers?

We have a duty to keep our customers safe and free from harm. Holding up that obligation of care is fundamental to our business – when we excel in safety, we enable our success. The PHI Safety Board will provide a clear demonstration of the company’s commitment to safety and forward-thinking safety initiatives, establish an aligned, cohesive approach to global safety across the enterprise, and meet the fundamental requirements of our global clients that ensuring that safety is visibly and intentionally led from the top of the PHI organization.


Why is the Safety Board across both PHI Aviation and PHI Health?

The diversity of our worldwide operations have the ability to inform the best of safety practices in each of our local operations. The fact that we can  import messages from one business unit to the next makes us stronger. Whether you’re in Cypress, New Zealand, the U.S. Gulf Coast, Arizona, or Ohio, makes no difference. Across PHI, we are united by our belief that being safe is not only good business, it’s the only way to do business. We will still have our unique approaches to operations and this isn’t going to change. The one thing we share, unequivocally, is our belief in the continued investment in the safety and well-being of each and every employee, each and every day.


Why is the PHI Safety board important?

The PHI Safety Board is important because it establishes within PHI clear and serious leadership commitment to safety in our company and in our industries. For our employees, it provides the structure under which we will invest in safety and move forward. Finally, to our external stakeholders, it demonstrates our commitment to safety leadership.